Gurukul’s Objectives

  1. To create opportunities for learning which include an international dimension to all subjects.
  2. To establish links with schools from other parts of the world.
  3. To analyze political events in the context of specific country issues.
  4. To meet with students from regions of conflict to realize that history has different interpretations.
  5. To read a varied range of literature and understand how these affect cultures.
  6. To engage In a multitude of creative activities which help children express themselves freely.
  7. To ensure that teachers work with one another beyond the confines of the subjects and text books.
  8. To liaise with visitors who come to the school from different parts of the world.
  9. To seize every opportunity for our students to travel and meet people from varied backgrounds and cultures.
  10. To expose the staff members to the international dimension of learning.
  11. To initiate a process of sharing of all activities through discussions and displays.
  12. To expose the students to a range of international cuisine.