Secondary level

To sustain the interest of students in learning, latest scientific and electronic methods are practiced in classroom teaching. Self-discipline of the body and mind is practiced through conscious and deliberate efforts in grade 1-10 since its inception. We are running school for the continuous and comprehensive system of education which is followed to upgrade the performance of pupils to the higher levels.

Gurukul school systems aim to improve learning outcomes for students. Research by education experts and academics explain that in order to participate in a global economy, young people need to be equipped with deep learning skills. These are also referred in the literature as core competencies.

This focus on equipping young people with deep learning skills strongly supports, and is in line with Education position paper improving learning, expanding opportunities. In particular, it supports the cited premise “Improving learning requires good teachers and great classroom practice” recognizing the “centrality of teachers to learning” and the need to “use teaching techniques based on the best available evidence of what works to improve learning”. It directly supports the post-Millennium Development Goal agenda and the increasing focus on the delivery of high quality education in secondary level education.